New and unique home building methods have been the driving force in edifice construction since modern civilization started. A search for a better way to protect those within from the elements and provide functionality for your way of life has always been essential to our comfort in life. At I CAN BUILD IT we spend endless hours perfecting our craft and methods with our eyes on the future at the same time. We aim to stay ahead of the curve and provide clients with the option to take advantage of unique home building techniques.
CUSTOM HOMES 1000 sq ft & up
A custom home is a one-of-a-kind house that is designed for a specific client and for a particular location. The custom home builder may use plans created by an architect or by a professional home designer. Custom homes provide consumers with the opportunity to control layout, lot size, and accessibility. Our custom homes guarantee quality materials and the most up to date building methods. We provide generous allowances on features to assure your home will have the unique character you want in it. A home built with us will always be a source of pride for you and our company alike for years to come.
TINY HOMES 1000 sq ft & under
In today's world, a large number of people are finding a way to live large by going tiny. In America today, the average home is around 2500sq ft. The typical tiny home is under 600sq ft. With a reduction of 80%, you're bound to notice a newfound freedom and thats exactly what these folks are looking for. Its a personal and financial freedom that comes from a "less is more" concept. We can provide you with a well designed carefully crafted tiny home whether on wheels or a foundation. We are here to help tell your story by way of constructing the vehicle that will take you on your epic tiny journey .
An accessory dwelling is typically a secondary living dwelling where there is already a primary living dwelling present. With the cost of living going up many people are looking for long term options for economical living. With and ADU present on your property you can facilitate lodging for friends and family short of long term where privacy and convenience are necessary. These structures are great for providing close care to elder family members or they can be used as stepping stone to prepare young adults for their own future home spaces. You can use them for home offices or work shops or in some cases where permitted you can use them as an additional stream of income on sites like AIRBNB.
While all types of home building get our undivided attention. We would be lying if we said we don't get extra excited about these builds listed below. Building a project with a fun or therapeutic purpose takes the cake! Being able to apply every skill you have in your repertoire and doing it well is what being craftsman is all about.
Tree houses
Boat houses
Bug-out shelters
Recording studios
Design work provided by VIVA collectiv designer Brian Crabb (credits Tiny House Nation, Family feud and The Voice)